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Server Maintenance
Having connection problems? Recieved a notification about maintenance mode in game? Read the announcements below to find out if any of our servers are undergoing scheduled maintenance in your region. Maintenance is scheduled at least once a month before our closed alpha build is posted.
Server Maintenance Announcements
Server Maintenance
The next scheduled server maintenance is scheduled for the following day and will end on the following Saturday for testing on the public server.
Feb. 1st, 2022 8:00am (EDT)
Server Maintenance
The next scheduled server maintenance is scheduled for the following day and will end on the following Saturday for testing on the public server.
April 10, 2021 8:00am (EDT)
Server Maintenance
The next scheduled server maintenance is scheduled for the following day and will end on the following Saturday for testing on the public server.
Jan 28, 2021 4:00am (UTC)
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